Examples of SAP EHS specification DAT file processing
It is relatively easy to export various data out of SAP EH&S Product Safety, generating DAT files:
- substances (list_sub)
- products (real_sub)
- phrases and phrase sets
- property trees (+ classes and characteristics)
But the processing of the processing of these DAT files is complex. eSpheres has develop versatile tools to parse or transform these DAT files:
- either to re-import transformed data
- or to generate lists, tables to ease the read, analysis and comparisons.
list, table examples:
- list of VAT in a property tree
- list of VAT with several languages + list of characteristics
- list of phrases (items)
- list of DG data per substance
- list of substance identifiers (NUM:CAS, NUM:EC, NAM:PROD, ...., NUM:REACH_REG)
- list of (standard) compositions
- list of material assignments per specification
special reports:
- html file documenting a property tree with list of VAT and characteristics (no toc, no identation)
- html file documenting a property tree with list of VAT and characteristics (with toc and indentation)
- to analyse differences between 2 property trees
- to compare phrase items (using levenshteim distance)
- to compare classification data between systems or before/after regulatory content update
- to compare DG data between systems or before/after regulatory content update
- phrases with text with languages in a kind of pivot table (to check translations and identify missing translations)
DAT file to re-import transformed data:
- to change some rating to OBSOLETE for oldest value assignments
- to duplicate substances changing specification key and specification type (for instance, list_sub into pure_sub)
- to remove all value assignments computed by an expert rule sets, also correcting some validity areas and changing specification statuses
DAT files generated from spreadsheets
- phrasesets import file for a defined set of phrases
- phrases import file